Bonds of people is the true power.

Quotes de jogos/animes, quotes épicos, quotes que marcaram minha vida, ou simples quotes engraçados. Acho que o post vai ficar extenso, e é claro, todo em inglês pra preservar o sentimento de nostalgia. Começando por Persona 3, melhor RPG de PS2. Puta que pariu que saudades. ;_;' Mimimis sobre minha vida, como sempre, no final do post. TEM. SPOILERS. NO. POST. ÓBVIO.



Fool - Magician - The moment man devoured the fruit of knoledge, he sealed his fate... Entrusting his future to the cards, man clings to a dim hope. Yes, the arcana is the means by which all is revealed. Attaining one's dream requires a stern will and unfailing determination.

Magician - Priestess - The arcana is the means by which all is revealed. The silent voice within one's heart whispers the most profound wisdom.

Priestess - Empress - The arcana is the means by which all is revealed. Celebrate life's grandeur... its brilliance... its magnificence...

Empress - Emperor - The arcana is the means by which all is revealed. Only courage in the face of doubt can lead one to the answer.

Emperor - Hierophanth - The arcana is the means by which all is revealed. It is indeed a precious gift to understand the forces that guide oneself.

Hierophanth - Lovers - The arcana is the means by which all is revealed. There is both joy and wonder in coming to understand another.

Lovers - Chariot - The arcana is the means by which all is revealed. One of life's greatest blessings is the freedom to pursue one's goal.

Chariot - Justice - The arcana is the means by which all is revealed. To find one's true path, one must seek guidance amidst uncertainty.

Justice - Hermit - The arcana is the means by which all is revealed. It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly and forge one's ow path.

Hermit - Fortune - The arcana is the means by which all is revealed. Alongside time exists fate, the bearer of cruelty.

Fortune - Strength - The arcana is the means by which all is revealed. Only with strength can one endure suffering and torment.

Strength - Hanged Man - The arcana is the means by which all is revealed. In the face of disaster lies opportunity for renewal.

Hanged Man - Death -  The moment man devoured the fruit of knowledge, he sealed his fate... Entrusting his future to the cards, man clings to a dim hope. Yet, the arcana is the means by which all is revealed. Beyond the beaten path lies the absolute end. It matters not who you are... Death awaits you.

Graduation Speech

Mitsuru: I remember... Yes... With my father's death, I lost my purpose in life.
[students talking]
Yukari: Hang on! ..Wasn't I supposed to...?
[everyone starts to get up]
Junpei: Uh... huh? Akihiko senpai... What's up?!
Man: Sit down, you two!
Mitsuru[continuing] But now... I have something to live for. No longer will I run from the future. I will face it head-on, carrying out my father's will. I'm resolved... and without reservation...
[Yukari smiles]
Junpei: ...The promise!
Mitsuru: I owe it all to my invaluable friends... and we have promised to never lose hope, no matter what tomorrow may bring!
[Mitsuru leaps off of the stage and lands infront of the group]
Yukari: Senpai, we made a promise! Let's find him! And Aigis too!
Mitsuru: Yes, I can hardly wait! Everyone, let's go!
[audience continue to shout and talk as the group run off to the rooftop]

Persona 4 - The Animation

I'll beat you, and beat you good.

Yosuke: So, what? You can make obento?
Yu: Yeah, just for fun.
Yosuke: But man, that's really impressive. You've got [Chie] beat, hands down! [laughs]
Chie: Wait a minute! What makes you think I can't cook?!
Yukiko: Eh? You can?
Yu: Seriously?
Chie: ... Then I challenge you to a cook-off!
Yosuke[grinning] Sounds good. You're on.

Chrono Cross.


There are two sides to every coin. Love and hate. Life and death. They are all the same.


There's nothing in the world as ruthless or impartial as death. All living matter ages over time and eventually dies... No matter how mighty or tiny its life force... So being alive means you're creeping closer to death with every second... But there's none of that here. No one and nothing ages. Nothing wastes away. This quiet, boundless, and beautiful world... An ideal world, straight out of a fairy tale, isn't it? A place and time that belongs to no one... Res nullius... It's because this is a future that was eliminated!!! History is composed of choices and divergences. Each choice you make creates a new world and brings forth a new future. But at the same time, you're eliminating a different future with the choices you didn't make. A future denied of all existence because of a change in the past... A future that was destroyed before it was even born rests here... condensed into the Dead Sea

Legend of Mana

Mana Tree

“I am light.

I am darkness.

Half of myself is what
You have fought in the past.
I create, I destroy.
And I create again.
I am love.

Not all of me is just.

Not all of me is pure.
That is only half of myself.
Those who desire my other
Half cross their swords.
People’s freedom is lost,
And my truth is buried.

I shall show you my darkness.

You must defeat me.
You will become a hero.
Open the path to those
who search for me.” 


"You are always searching for answers to your questions. That is because you believe they mean something to you. As long as you keep desiring answers, your life will remain a meaningful one. You are constantly renewing yourself by thinking and feeling things."

Opa, nem ficou tão grande. Na verdade, tem muita coisa que queria colocar, mas ia dar kms de texto que ninguém vai ler. Então deixa pra lá. Peguei tudo da wikiquote.


Vida tá boa, po. Acho que não devo reclamar não. Faz tempo que não dou tanto valor pra um final de semana, e coisas simples, como ver um seriado o dia todo, ou um anime, descansar em casa mesmo, tá sendo bem mais gostoso. Não sei se posso considerar minha vida "corrida", mas que agora muita coisa eu não posso enrolar que não dá tempo, é verdade. E isso é maravilhoso. Principalmente pra mim que sempre fui tranquilo, dá um jeito bem diferente de viver.

Hail! Sábado que vem já começo meu japonês, e ó, tô animado até. Sobre relacionamentos... Estou com uma vontade de criar novos contatos, acho que estou até mais sociável que o normal. Vamos ver, né.

Enfim, ando com uma vontade de jogar Legend of Mana outra vez... Mas sei lá. Preciso ver meus animes, faz tempo que não vejo. Comecei a ver a primeira temporada de House, por que tinha baixado faz um tempo já e tava parada aqui. Ando  com mais vontade de ver séries do que anime, vou ver se baixo uma menos conhecida pra curtir despretensiosamente.

E legendo o post do Full falando que criou o failcast, lembro daquele tempo, porra! Caralho, eu sei que eu nunca estou feliz com o meu momento atual, mas, parando pra pensar, eu estava feliz pra caralho aquele dia, curtindo com meus amigos. E dando uma de exagerado, digo, pouco me fodendo pro presente... Sentir uma lembrança boa = all.

Ah sim, estou treinando bastante desenhos, quem sabe até o fim do ano eu não volte ao meu deviant art com uns desenhos (mas dessa vez, nada de animes, deixa pra surpresa.)

Terminando o post com Memories of You, falei de Persona 3, tem que ter uma música, né? See ya.

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